Actividad optativa/opcional 1, no obligatoria. The fisherman and his wife

Enlace Youtube:


1) Write 20 words of things you can see in the video, and translate into Spanish.
For example:
1. Wall = pared
2. Fish = pescado

2) What`s the title of this tale?=

3) Do you like the story?=

4) What does "to complain" mean?=

5) Once you have seen the video. What have you learnt? What is the moral of the story?=

6) Is the woman selfish? Why?=

7) How do you say "corona" in English?=

8) Write three sentences of this video and translate into Spanish=


  1. Hello!
    I'm Paula. This is my job:


    1) Write 20 words of things you can see in the video, and translate into Spanish.
    1. Man = hombre.
    2. Happy = contento.
    3. Day = día.
    4. Fruits = frutas.
    5. Go = ir.
    6. Fast = rápido.
    7. House = casa.
    8. Yellow = amarillo.
    9. Look = mira.
    10. Like = me gusta.
    11. Lisen = escuchar.
    12. Magic = mágico.
    13. See = mirar.
    14. Moon = luna.
    15. Star = estrella.
    16. Fisherman = pescador.
    17. Wife = esposa.
    18. Sea = mar.
    19. Head = cabeza.
    20. Friends = amigos.

    2) What`s the title of this tale?
    The fisherman and his wife.

    3) Do you like the story?
    Yes, I like.

    4) What does "to complain" mean?
    Quejarse. The wife want everything.

    5) Once you have seen the video. What have you learnt? What is the moral of the story?
    The fisherman is happy with simplest things.

    6) Is the woman selfish? Why?
    Yes. She want everything.

    7) How do you say "corona" in English?

    8) Write three sentences of this video and translate into Spanish.
    Magic fish help me. = Pescado mágico ayúdame.
    The fisherman is happy whit she. = El pescador es feliz con ella.
    The wife was selfish. = La mujer era egoista.

  2. Espero que esta tarea haya llegado correctamente. Un saludo


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