Semana XII. Del 1 al 5 de junio- Tarea


1)     Lee el texto a la vez que escuchas el audio que ha gradado
2)     Rellena las palabras que faltan en los huecos. He sacado las siguientes palabras:
Things (cosas), crying (llorando), excited (emocionado/a), boat (barco), journey (viaje), feel (sentir).
Actividades que tienes tras el texto. Activity. Read the text. Then circle
3)     Este tercer punto es opcional: graba tu voz en inglés en audio o vídeo y me lo haces llegar.
Feeling: A school musical
Feelings is the new play from Kidstown Primary School. And it`s fantastic! Is starts when a group of children go on a _______. They want to go by plane but things go wrong and they go to a train station! They miss the plane and instead they go by train, ______and car!
It`s a fun story and it can make you ______ a lot of different _____. There are times when the children are worried and others when they are angry.
There are other moments when everyone is happy and _______. There are also one or two moments when the children are sad.
When you are watching, you may ask yourself, “Why am I smiling?” or “Why am I _______ or laughing so much?”
This play is funny and has a little bit of everything! You really must go and see it.

Activity. Read the text. Then circle
1.     Feelings is a (film/play).
2.     The story is about (a group of children / Kidstown Primary School).
3.     The children want to travel by (boat/plane).
4.     They miss their (plane/train).
5.     They (are/aren`t) always happy and excited.
6.     Feelings can make you feel (embarrassed/sad).


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